Changes to be Introduced Surrounding Landlord Electrical Inspections in 2020
For some time now there has been rumour that 'mandatory electrical inspections' would be brought in as a requirement in the Private...

Express Mortgage Services
The private rented sector is vital to the housing market. It accounts for a fifth of all households in England, having doubled in 20...

Tenant Fees Act 2019
Tenant Fees Act 2019 become law on, 1 June 2019 in England. Many of you will know what this means but i wanted to highlight the main...

*New Legislation for Landlords*
*New Legislation for Landlords* Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 comes into force in England today whereby Landlords, or...

A Briggers Guide To Property Cash Flow Is King
Hands Up Hands Up Do You want to be financially FREE...

Buying Property Below Market Value
The Truth about Buying Homes below Market Value Buying homes today can be a very expensive undertaking. Nevertheless, it can also bring...

Home Sellers' Power Tips
Get Your Free Ebook Every house owner wants maximum profit from the sale of his house. Although selling and buying property involves...
Your Practical Guide to Selling Homes in the World of Real Estate!
Selling Homes in the World of Real Estate: Introduction In order to revive the nearly unprofitable real estate market it is important...

Faster Lettings With Property Management
Faster Leasing With Property Management Vacancies mean profit losses. Understanding how to fill empty properties faster will help...

Duties of a Do-It-Yourself Property Manager
Duties of a Do-It-Yourself Property Manager Owning rental property can be an exciting investment, but doing the job of managing your own...